Acclimation procedure for newly acquired fish.

Your new fish tank should have been established prior to ordering your new breeding stock. I suggest using Seachem’s Prime to safely condition all new tank water prior to adding your guppies.

Place each pair or trio into an aquarium safe container, I recommend using hanging specimen containers, either the small or my preference, the larger size. Hanging containers are ideal as they hang directly in front or onto the fish tank. Carefully open and pour the new arrivals into the container with all the water they were transported or shipped with.

Wait about 15 minutes.

Next step is to pour out about 1/3 to ½ of this water into another clean container. Keeping this water is done for precaution purposes only. 

Next step is to add water to the specimen container equal to amount poured out. From the designated tank they will be put into, take out enough new tank water equal to amount removed.

The temperature of the new tank should be as close to the water your new guppies were shipped in. or slightly warmer by about 2 -3 degrees (78 -82 deg.) Slowly pour (about 2 ounces of the new water) into the container the fish are in.

Observe and leave stationary for at least one half hour.

Assuming all is going well after 30 minutes, carefully pour out about one third of the water into a spare container. This spare container should be twice the size of the container that the fish are in. Now add about 2 -3 ounces of new tank water into acclimation container. Again wait at least 30 minutes.

If all is going well repeat adding/removing water sequence at least four more times. If done correctly, the acclimation container should have the same or nearly the same amount of water you started with as well as normal well acclimated guppies. If for any reason the fish seemed too stressed place them into the water they were shipped in. Wait at least one hour. If possible call the person you acquired these fish from and ask questions and seek advice. Usually, properly acclimated guppies respond well a new environment.

DO NOT FEED your new guppies until tomorrow. Observe as often as possible. The following day your new guppies should be actively looking for food. Feed sparingly one hour after the lights are turned on. DO NOT FEED again for at least 3-4 hours. Feed lightly one more time at least 2 hours before you turn off the lights. If for any reason you feel your guppies do not appear responsive contact me immediately.




