The first thing to do is place your newly acquired breeding trio into a clean (never use soap) container like canister that is large enough to hold the water from one trio with enough room to double the quantify of water that should be taken from their new tank.



        After placing trio into container allow the fish to settle down for at least 20 minutes. Slowly add about 4 to 6 ounces of water from their new tank. Repeat again after another 20 minutes or until the water is doubled. The entire procedure will take at least one hour so be patient if you are acclimating several trios. Having a container for each trio will expedite the process. DO NOT RUSH this important acclimating procedure.  After the water is doubled allow fish to settle once again. After 20 minutes carefully pour out and discard half the water in the container. Repeat adding more new water until it is doubled again. Allow fish to settle for 20 more minutes. If at any time the fish appear stressed stop procedure until they seem settled. I can be available to assist you (via telephone) during this acclimation procedure as long as we make prior arrangements. Repeat again and allow fish to settle down. Most times my guppies seem eager to be released into new water and never become stressed. This procedure is precautionary and necessary. When done slowly release your new trio into their new tank by sinking the container into the new tank. If the container is too large you can slowly pour the water and guppies into the new tank. DO NOT FEED THEM FOR AT LEAST 2 HOURS. Observe them and be patient. After two hours have passed you may feed them a little baby brine shrimp or a pinch of dry food. DO NOT FEED AGAIN UNTIL THE FOLLOWING DAY. For the first week there is no need to do any water changes or filter changes. Avoid overfeeding them. Your new breeders should appear aggressive each time you approach the tank. If they appear skittish do not feed them. I do not advocate the use of any medicines other than kosher or sea salt, one tablespoon per 10 gallons of water. In about 3 to 4 weeks be prepared for new babies. I advocate raising every litter in their own tank. Breeders and fry do best in water temperatures between 76 to 82 degrees.